
Wu-Tang is here forever.

Continue reading “Triumph”

Ranking the Combined Discographies of Foozer (Foo Fighters & Weezer) [Part 1]

Two of my favorite bands of all time come together for a “rivalry” that has toured together and paired for many wonderful rock moments. Today I’m going to attempt to rank the massive combined discography of Foozer.

Continue reading “Ranking the Combined Discographies of Foozer (Foo Fighters & Weezer) [Part 1]”

Why Attack on Titan makes no sense, but we still love it.

Before I begin, I want to say that I’m not trying to bash this anime in any way, shape, or form. This show remains to be one of my all time favorites. The action, drama, and overall story line kept me at the edge of my seat the entire time I watched. BUT, there are some flaws I’d like to point out. Let’s begin.

Continue reading “Why Attack on Titan makes no sense, but we still love it.”

The 24 Best Rap Albums of 2018

After taking a few weeks to reflect on the hip-hop releases of 2018, my list of the 24 best rap albums is here. Instead of ranking them 1-24, here they are in the order they were released in.

Continue reading “The 24 Best Rap Albums of 2018”

Why College is some BS.

First of all, I made up this topic on the fly. Why you ask? College is the reason this post is going up so late! Continue reading to get an insight as to how college life is treating me so far.  Continue reading “Why College is some BS.”

Young Thug’s “On the Rvn” EP

Young Thug’s newest effort isn’t a full-length album but we must appreciate the gems we were gifted regardless. Continue reading “Young Thug’s “On the Rvn” EP”

Reasons to join the Mid-American Culture Team

As was shared on our twitter page a few days ago, the team here at Mid-American Culture is looking for new writers! This is an exciting time for us as we look for new individuals with a love of writing and culture to join our crew. Here are just a few reasons why you should consider joining if you share our passions:

1. Speaking your mind

Mid-American Culture has given me a platform with which to speak my mind about anything I choose. It can do the same for you!

2. Meet new people

Writing for Mid-American Culture has introduced me to some awesome guys. You too can get to know the staff here and join the great thing we have created together.

3. Learn new things

Working on this website along the other guys has exposed me to all sorts of new things. Our weekly playlists have shown me all sorts of new music, our restaurant review challenge introduced me to new places to eat, our Album Reviews Through A Friend series introduced me to a genre of music I really wouldn’t have ever even listened to if not for Mid-American Culture. There’s so much out there to experience. Come be apart of it.

4. It’s awesome

Who doesn’t want to be able to say they write for a website? How cool is that?!

If you’re interested in joining us here at Mid-American Culture, send us a message via our Mid-American Culture twitter page (linked below) and tell us why you think you’d be a good fit! We’re looking forward to working with you!

Apply here!

Which McDonald’s Dipping Sauce is the Best?

During my tenure here at Mid-American Culture, I have tackled a number of serious issues including, but not limited to, Presidential politics, moral lapses in the fashion and entertainment industries, and gun violence. Today, I will be tackling another serious issue. It is no secret that our nation is one of division. Any number of issues can be cited as examples of this. However, where as any number of people may feel emotionally unattached to any particular issue, there is one issue I know of in which nearly everyone has a strong opinion: McDonalds Chicken McNugget dipping sauces.

Virtually everyone who has ever tried chicken nuggets from McDonalds has a favorite sauce. Today, I will put this great cultural debate to rest with my definitive ranking of each sauce from worst to best. Attending college in a small town where the food options are essentially terrible school meal plan food, Subway, and McDonalds, I am naturally a frequent visitor at the local McDonalds establishment. I rarely stray from my signature order of a 10 piece chicken nugget meal with a Diet Coke. This has allowed me a plethora of opportunities to sample each of their different dipping sauces. I conducted thorough undercover research at this local McDonalds, posing as a hungry college student with a mild Diet Coke addiction. Undenounced to them, I spent the entire first month of classes gathering facts for this groundbreaking piece. The day has finally come for me to reveal my findings. Without further ado, here is the definitive ranking of McDonalds sauces. (Please note that I was unable to acquire any Szechuan sauce, so it will not make an appearance on this list. I also will not be including any discontinued flavors.)

*All opinions are my own and do not necessarily express those of Mid-American Culture, McDonalds, or other chicken nugget enthusiasts*

8. Creamy Ranch


I will keep the number eight entry short and simple. Ranch sauce in general is garbage. Unless you are using it for a high quality chicken wing with some other type of sauce on it, Ranch belongs in the trash. Next!

7. Tangy BBQ

tangy bbq.jpg

Simply put, this sauce is not very good. BBQ sauce, particularly McDonalds BBQ sauce, does little to nothing to enhance the McNugget experience. The taste of the Tangy BBQ sauce overpowers all of the characteristics of the chicken nugget, making for an unpleasant eating experience. Stay away.

6. No Sauce


Going sauce-less is always an option. I don’t consider it to be a bad one at that. In fact, I spent much of my younger years using the sauce-less approach when it comes to my nuggets. It is certainly better than options seven and eight. If you’re feeling extra adventurous, eat the breading off of the nugget, leaving only the chicken, and eat it sauce-less or perhaps dip it in some ketchup (not a McNugget sauce, therefore, not on this list). That is a veteran move.

5. Honey


This is, without question, the most controversial entry to my list. It is not traditionally a McNugget dipping sauce. However, it is a sauce, it is available at McDonalds, and you can get it with your chicken nuggets upon request. Therefore, I have deemed it eligible for this list. I can see how this may not be for everyone, but I highly suggest trying it. You may get a weird look when you ask for it with your nuggets, but who cares? It’s good.

4. Spicy Buffalo


I am a sucker for buffalo sauce. I love it on wings. I love it on grilled chicken. I love it on burgers. I love it on French fries. I certainly don’t dislike it on McNuggets. This is a very high quality sauce that would have certainly been higher on the list if not for the excellence of the final 3.

3. Honey Mustard


This sauce is simply masterful. Dare I say, Honey Mustard is the fanciest of all the McDonalds sauces. It has just a hint of a Dijon flavor that adds a certain elegance to the McNugget experience. This sauce comes highly recommended.

2. Sweet n Sour


Sweet n Sour sauce is the staple of the McNugget sauce family. It is a true classic with a taste of which I will never grow tired. Sweet flavors mixed with sour flavors mixed with savory chicken nugget flavors make for an epic eating experience. You can’t go wrong with Sweet n Sour.

1. Hot Mustard


Hot Mustard is the top tier of sauces. It combines the Dijon mustard flavors of the honey mustard and adds a fiery kick, which makes for a tasteful sensation the likes of which I had never experienced before trying this sauce. Online research for the article told me that this sauce is only available regionally. Therefore, if this is an option for you, I can not urge you enough to try it. You wont regret it.

Hopefully I have settled this great debate once and for all. That concludes my article for this week. Until next week, make sure to check out some of the other great content from the writers here at Mid-American Culture!