Rapid Fire Reviews: Video Game Edition Vol. 2

Hello, and welcome to another installment of Rapid Fire Reviews. I know Cory usually writes these, but I’ve played several games over the past month that are worth talking about. So, without further ado, let’s begin. Continue reading “Rapid Fire Reviews: Video Game Edition Vol. 2”

Cities That Had Two Sports Teams… With The Same Name (Part 2)

Last week, I talked about NFL and NHL teams that shared their name with another sports team in their city. If you missed it, here it is. The teams in part 1 all shared their name with an already-existing team, but today, some of the teams existed years apart from each other. Before I talk about the other leagues, there is one more NHL team name to discuss. Continue reading “Cities That Had Two Sports Teams… With The Same Name (Part 2)”

May the 4th: New Disney+ Content

It’s Star Wars Day in our quarantined paradise, let’s see what came to Disney+ today for our binging pleasure.

Continue reading “May the 4th: New Disney+ Content”

Ready Player Two

In 2014, it was announced that the website Yahoo was hacked, and that many users’ information was out in the dark web. As one would probably guess, emails were included in that breach, and no one was safe. It turns out that several emails were sent to Penguin Random House pitching a sequel to Ready Player One. However, it doesn’t appear they were sent from the original’s author, Ernest Cline. This was just some guy pitching his idea. Regardless, I have been authorized by the powers that be to release this to the public. Please enjoy. Continue reading “Ready Player Two”

Best Hip-Hop Albums of 2020

We’ve made it through the first quarter of 2020, through some tough losses and the whole quarantine thing there has been a ton of hip-hop album releases. Let’s talk about my favorites so far.

Continue reading “Best Hip-Hop Albums of 2020”

Conway the Machine & The Alchemist “Lulu” Album Review

Griselda’s Conway the Machine and legendary producer The Alchemist link up for a beautiful 7 track project called Lulu.

Continue reading “Conway the Machine & The Alchemist “Lulu” Album Review”

M-A.C. Weekly Waves Playlist: First Week of December

An update to the weekly waves playlist featuring a few songs from the previous list, plus selections from all the new music we’ve been blessed with.

Enjoy and come back to do some reading.