Why Attack on Titan makes no sense, but we still love it.

Before I begin, I want to say that I’m not trying to bash this anime in any way, shape, or form. This show remains to be one of my all time favorites. The action, drama, and overall story line kept me at the edge of my seat the entire time I watched. BUT, there are some flaws I’d like to point out. Let’s begin.

Continue reading “Why Attack on Titan makes no sense, but we still love it.”

Nyjah Huston – ‘Til Death : A Comprehensive Review.

Here at MAC, we like to cover topics such as sports, television, music, etc. On the topic of sports; Basketball, Baseball, and Football are usually contenders for what first comes to mind. But today I’d like to cover one that isn’t thought of too often. Skateboarding. Continue reading “Nyjah Huston – ‘Til Death : A Comprehensive Review.”

Why College is some BS.

First of all, I made up this topic on the fly. Why you ask? College is the reason this post is going up so late! Continue reading to get an insight as to how college life is treating me so far.  Continue reading “Why College is some BS.”

M-A.C. Weekly Waves Vol. 45: Tasty Tunes of 2018

This week the MAC team compiled together some of our favorite tracks that have been released throughout this year, enjoy!

Tequila Grill: A one-visit analysis.

Hey friends, the crew at MAC had a little “contest” regarding our posts. During the week that I wrote my article on Hip Hop producer/rapper combos, we came up with the concept of whoever got the most views on their post within 24 hours of their post going up got to select a topic for the rest of the crew to write about for a selected week, and the winner was our Thursday writer Chase! He requested us to write about a food joint that we hadn’t had/had only once or twice and give a review. Nevertheless, here’s my take on a Mexican joint on Route 60 in Barboursville, WV.

A buddy of mine introduced me to this place about two weeks ago, claiming that “it’s SOOO much better than Casa Grande. man.” Blasphemy. I thought “how is that even possible?”

Turns out, he wasn’t too far off.

Whenever I take a trip to ol’ Casa Grande I get the same thing every time. The beloved Quesadilla Casa Grande (pretty plain though, basically just chicken, cheese, and the tortilla smothered in queso). Hits the taste buds just right. When my buddy brought up the idea that Tequila Grill could top it, I had to give it a try.

I ordered what I thought sounded about the same as Casa Grande’s quesadilla, Tequila Grill’s rendition was called the “Quesadilla Grande” so I figured that had to be pretty close to the same thing. Sure enough, it was.

It took what seemed like 20 minutes to get our food and we had about four or five different waiters/waitresses ask us if we needed anything throughout that time. It got a little confusing trying to tell when you’d get a refill or not.

The time came when we finally got our food and to my absolute non-surprise, my quesadilla looked exactly like what I would receive from Casa Grande, but only about 15 minutes after I would receive it there.

With as much as it hurts my heart to say this, I have to say that that quesadilla was probably the most delicious thing I’ve ever had. BUT, that’s the only thing I would say is better than Casa Grande in any way.

Tequila Grill might have a better quesadilla, but they don’t have:

Speedy Service

Locality (to me at least, driving Route 60 is a pain)

And most importantly, they don’t have Carlos.

I give Tequila Grill a SOLID 9/10 for the soul fact that the food was incredible. If the experience and service had matched that of Casa, I definitely would’ve given them a 10/10.

That’s it from me today. Be on the lookout for the rest of the crew’s reviews on the restaurants they select throughout the week!

Scorpion; a review from an open-minded hater.

I’m going ahead and putting it out there, this album was disappointing. Very disappointing, for that matter. I gave the album a day after its release before I gave it a listen so that I would have a chance to read up on the hype it was giving off. To my absolute surprise (totally not sarcasm) Drake fans all around were talking of this album as if it changed the world. So I decided to give it a listen.

In all utmost honesty, I’m not going to call it a bad album. Over-hyped and underwhelming? Yes. Bad? no. When Drake actually decides he wants to rap, he can be tolerable. There weren’t any “rap” tracks that I heard where I thought “Jesus this is bad, SKIP” but at the same time there weren’t any tracks that had me thinking “damn, this is pretty solid” either. As for the RnB stuff, I couldn’t bear most of it. I don’t know what it is about his annoying ass singing voice but it’s almost as bad as nails on a chalkboard for me. I can’t stand listening to that man sing.

I felt like this was a Views 3/More Life 2. It sounds exactly like the same Drake we’ve been getting for the last three years. I can’t bring myself to say that there’s anything THAT special about this album, other than the Michael Jackson “feature”. I’m not sure what the process was for that to happen considering he’s been dead for nine years. I assume he bought rights to some stuff from his archives or something. Who knows.

Also the line that goes something like ” I wasn’t hiding my kid from the world, I was hiding the world from my kid” is some of the most deadbeat father headassery I’ve ever heard.

I gave it a chance, and I was let down, again. Give Scorpion a listen and let me know what you think. Is Drake REALLY who you all consider the goat? I don’t see it, not one bit.

If you want something actually enjoyable to listen to, Michael Christmas dropped an album titled Role Model last week that’s absolutely phenomenal, with features from Cousin Stizz and Domo Genesis. You’ll probably be hearing more about Mr. Christmas in the near future.

#FuckDrake #FreeBobbySchmurdaRightFuckingNow

That’s it from me today, be sure to check out our other writers’ fresh content and listen to this weeks Weekly Waves on Spotify!

Music Artists I used to love but they’ve done nothing but disappoint me.

Hey friends, can you think of an artist that you used to jam to daily back in the day, but now their music just doesn’t fit your wants and needs anymore? I’ve got a few, and that’s what I’d like to cover today. This topic is also the theme for this week’s weekly waves which will be released later tonight. Let’s get started. Continue reading “Music Artists I used to love but they’ve done nothing but disappoint me.”

Reviews through a Friend: The Sunset Tree by The Mountain Goats

Hey friends, miss me? Jordan back again with another post. In all honesty, I haven’t decided if I’ll make a full comeback to writing posts or not, but I can assure you that me and the MAC crew have some cool stuff planned for the future.

Anyway, let’s get into this review, or lack-there-of.

Continue reading “Reviews through a Friend: The Sunset Tree by The Mountain Goats”

This story makes Jingle All The Way look like a cakewalk.

Hello people of the Internet, Jordan again with another post. Since I totally slacked last week, I’m here to keep my promise. Prepare for a pretty wild story about flaming cars and 2 and 1/2 hour tow truck rides. Buckle up kiddos. Continue reading “This story makes Jingle All The Way look like a cakewalk.”