Rapid Fire Reviews: Video Game Edition Vol. 2

Hello, and welcome to another installment of Rapid Fire Reviews. I know Cory usually writes these, but I’ve played several games over the past month that are worth talking about. So, without further ado, let’s begin. Continue reading “Rapid Fire Reviews: Video Game Edition Vol. 2”

Cities That Had Two Sports Teams… With The Same Name (Part 2)

Last week, I talked about NFL and NHL teams that shared their name with another sports team in their city. If you missed it, here it is. The teams in part 1 all shared their name with an already-existing team, but today, some of the teams existed years apart from each other. Before I talk about the other leagues, there is one more NHL team name to discuss. Continue reading “Cities That Had Two Sports Teams… With The Same Name (Part 2)”

Cities That Had Two Sports Teams… With The Same Name (Part 1)

Imagine if “New York Yankees” was the name of an NFL franchise. Seems impossible, right? The Yankees are so synonymous with baseball and American folklore that it would be weird if another sport had a team with that name. What if I told you that it actually isn’t impossible? What if the NFL had a New York Yankee team? Well, from 1926 to 1929, they did. They even played at the old Yankee Stadium. One of the more notable running backs in the game’s history, Red Grange, played for them in-between two stints with the Bears. It doesn’t stop there, as the team contained four members of the Pro Football Hall of Fame in its three seasons of existence. This proves that the name “New York Yankees” is guaranteed to attract greatness, no matter the sport. Would you believe that there were other franchises in sports that share their names with teams we know today? Well, throughout the history of sports, there have been several. Let’s begin. Continue reading “Cities That Had Two Sports Teams… With The Same Name (Part 1)”

The Other Monster House

Are you tired of your plain looking house? Do you want to impress your friends with a sick pad? Is an aesthetic right out of a theme park or miniature golf course your ideal vision of a home? If you said yes to all of these questions, I have a show for you to check out. It has the fitting name, Monster House. Continue reading “The Other Monster House”

The Bizarre Story of “Gaming in the Clinton Years”

Today, I get most of my entertainment from YouTube. Around 2007, I discovered the site and began watching stuff like Angry Video Game Nerd, Nostalgia Critic, and stuff from the folks at ScrewAttack. However, there was one show that I watched that looking back at it, I can’t help but be confused and entertained. That show is Gaming in the Clinton Years. Continue reading “The Bizarre Story of “Gaming in the Clinton Years””

Ready Player Two

In 2014, it was announced that the website Yahoo was hacked, and that many users’ information was out in the dark web. As one would probably guess, emails were included in that breach, and no one was safe. It turns out that several emails were sent to Penguin Random House pitching a sequel to Ready Player One. However, it doesn’t appear they were sent from the original’s author, Ernest Cline. This was just some guy pitching his idea. Regardless, I have been authorized by the powers that be to release this to the public. Please enjoy. Continue reading “Ready Player Two”

Is Tommy Nitro an Epic Hero?

Karate. Either you practiced it, or if you’re like me, you grew up seeing it referenced in shows like SpongeBob SquarePants. However, what if I told you that it spawned a toy that spawned the greatest epic hero that you have never heard of.

Continue reading “Is Tommy Nitro an Epic Hero?”

Irrelevant Cereals

I was walking through the store the other day, and I stumbled into the cereal aisle. We all remember timeless classics like Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, and Trix, but I was reminded of several cereals that I had forgotten about over the years. Do you remember these cereals? Let’s find out! Continue reading “Irrelevant Cereals”

Disney Sing Along Songs

Elementary school music class was a very memorable time for me. In my school, we had to perform musicals for the community, and when we weren’t doing that, we were usually watching VHS tapes. As one would probably guess, these were musical tapes, some of which had the viewers sing along. There are several that I remember, but cannot remember the name of, but the ones that I definitely remember are from Disney. Continue reading “Disney Sing Along Songs”