George Nakashima

George Nakashima, Woodshop Hero.

Lover of wood’s natural look and beauty, Nakashima started his career as an architect. While he and his young family were rounded up and held in a Japanese Internment camp during WWII, he met a furniture maker and learned a love for the trade. Soon he began making furniture after his release in 1943. His first shop was in the basement of a church where he would craft beautiful chairs of Walnut. When you think of natural edge, Nakashima always comes to mind. His Connoid chair is pictured as well as his home in New Hope, Pennsylvania which I hope to tour and visit someday. His book, ” The Soul of a Tree” is a brilliant, heartfelt read.

The Connoid chair
Nakashima pictured with a pair of Connoid chairs
Nakashima’s Pennsylvania home
A Connoid bench


Nakashima’s book

Thanks as always for reading.

Author: mburnsoh

I'm a geek of all sorts, I love comics and philosophy. I also dig on movies, music, books and tons of other things.

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