Black Ops 4: My First Impressions

Welcome back to my first impressions series! This is the series when I give my unsolicited opinion on things far too early for them to be educated opinions. Today, I will be discussing my first impressions of Call of Duty Black Ops 4.

I’ll start with the most anticipated addition to the game, Blackout mode. Blackout mode is a battle royale style game mode that is very similar to Fortnite and PUBG. I have played around 20 games in this mode and I can confidently say that it is pretty cool. I always sucked at building in Fortnite, so the idea of a battle royale game without that added element is very appealing to me. The vehicle play in Blackout is far superior to that of Fortnite, and that is a huge plus. The map is spectacular, mixing in old COD maps, zombie spawns, new locations, and an abundant natural space between locations. With that being said, there are some issues. The lag is absolutely horrible. This is an issue that I think will be fixed with time, as this is COD’s first time operating with servers anywhere near this size. Also, I think most guns in the mode need some kind of buff. The recoil is significantly greater in Blackout than it is in multiplayer and I often find myself enraged by the amount of shots that I just can’t seem to make in Blackout. Overall, however, I really enjoy the mode and I look forward to seeing what they do with it in the future.

Next, I will briefly discuss Zombies. I played a couple games in zombies and I was kind of disappointed. Much like most of the more recent games, I feel like they just tried to do too much. The game set in a gladiator arena is cool, but the mode is overly complicated. Most of it just feels unnecessary. I doubt I will be playing much zombies.

Lastly, I will discuss multiplayer. Multiplayer is the highlight of the game for me. The gameplay is reminiscent of Black Ops 2, which was one of the high points in the Call of Duty series. The game is futuristic, but not overly so. The removal of the crazy jumping and wall running and all of that other nonsense is a great move on Call of Duty’s part. The game play is still fast-paced and exciting and I have enjoyed it very much.

Overall, Black Ops 4 seems to be a solid game. It is right up there with WWII in terms of quality and I highly recommend it to any gamer. I eagerly await to see how it ages over time.

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